The English language edition of the National Atlas of Hungary, Volume Natural Environment
has received the most prestigious international recognition
The International Cartographic Association held its biennial International Cartographic Conference – ICC in Tokyo between 15 and 20 July 2019. The International Cartographic Exhibition presents the most noteworthy cartographic products of the past two years after a pre-selection process.
The international professional jury set up seven categories for the works published in the last two years. In the category of Atlases, the first prize was awarded to the Natural Environment volume of the National Atlas of Hungary. This volume was found best from the submitted more than forty atlases released between 2017 and 2019, and it received the title, ICA International Cartographic Exhibition Award Winner.
The jury emphasized in its appreciation that it is a comprehensive and detailed atlas, the cartography is lavish and sets Hungary’s natural environment in its human context. The maps are accompanied by numerous well-presented graphs, texts and infographics.
Further details
Catalogue of products submitted to the competition